How to Build Pagar Book Clone

How to Build Pagar Book Clone


3 min read

In this blog, I am giving you a quick tour of our Cloned app as part of our academic mini Project at Masai school, India. as a part of the academic curriculum, our instructors gave us the task to clone the GUI and all Functionality of the Pagar Book. at first glance, we thought it might be very difficult in days to complete the task but it's so easy if you going through a very structured way of building.

Some of the cool features of Pagar book as follow

  • Employee attendance Management
  • Staff Salary Management
  • Payment Slips Generation
  • SMS Alert for Attendance / Absentee

How We build it in three days

  • Login / Signup Activity The login and signup page is designed in Kotlin language with Backend as MySQL server hosted on a shared platform. For the purpose of forgot password and sending alert to login with SMS are done using the Fast2SMS API Chekout

  • Main Dashboard Activity The Main Dashboard activity is done using the Room database with joining some of the users and salary tables as the Main Activity has various Four fragments so. has lots of other options like Employee attendance, Daily Expenses, Today's employee count.

  • Premium Features Activity In the Premium Feature section, we have given access to employees so they can automatically mark the attendance once they came into office premises using geolocation API

  • Pay Sleep Generation When we pay the salary to staff with this app it also has an inbuild salary slip generator in which user can get to know where did his salary deducted and all his attendance report PDF is generated using the iText PDF Dependency Checkout Here

  • Pay Sleep Generation When the employee is came late to the office or when he is absent at that time app automatically calls the Server API to send the SMS to that employee regarding the attendance status using the Fast2SMS apiCheckout Here

  • App Notifications For Notifications, we have used the FCM ( Firebase Cloud Messaging Service )

Wanna try out to Clone same app

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